So, 2021 started as 2020 finished – in lockdown. However, looking on the bright side, I did receive some rather nice sewing items for Christmas, one of which was Tulip Akari glass headed pins. I decided that new pins deserved a new pin cushion so I made a tiny (2 inches from side to side) biscornu pin cushion.
The fabric is part of a tweed jacket I got in a charity shop a couple of years ago with plans to upcycle it into a bag (which has not happened) and it is stuffed with crushed walnut shells which make a very satisfying crunching sensation when I push in a pin. I keep the pin cushion in small turned wood pot that I got a craft fair a while ago which stops the pins from pushing through the cushion and scratching the table.
Another necessary item of sewing this month was an oversized top to wear while working from home as the desk is next to a cold window. I had no furry fleece in my stash, but spotted a fur/fleece throw in the supermarket that was equivalent to 2m of 150 cm wide fabric and better value than buying fabric by the metre. I modified a pattern I had in my stash firstly to fit the fabric and secondly to make the collar larger, and I also added a satiny lining (again from stash) to make it easier to slip over existing layers of clothing.
It definitely serves its purpose, though I do feel as though I am channelling my inner womble when wearing it.
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